Rawson Chiller and Heat Pump

  • Air Cooled
  • 2, 4 Stage or VFD
  • Sizes from 10 to 80 Tons
  • Up to 12 modules
  • Reversing valve
  • Redundancy N+1, N+2
  • Capacity Control
  • High Turn Down
  • Scroll Compressors
  • Fixed Staged Fans
  • EC and VFD fan speed control
  • Dual Circuit
  • Circulation Pump
  • No Cross Contamination
  • Brazed plate HX
  • Low ambient kit
  • Head pressure control
  • Small foot print
  • Service access

View Rawson Air Cooled Chiller and Heat Pump PDF brochure

Air Cooled Chillers and Heat Pumps
Modular assemblies from 10 tons to 960 tons

10 to 30 ton Rawson Chiller
10 to 30 ton configuration
35 to 80 ton Rawson Chiller
35 to 80 ton configuration
Rawson Chiller electrical panel

Variable flow:

The Rawson Chiller comes complete with an optional built in centrifugal pump. Typical minimum head available is 60 ft (varies).

The Prime chiller has the pump on at all times. The reminder of the units only turn on the centrifugal pump when there is a call for the compressor to come on.

This way each of the individual chillers will see 100% flow allowing for a better control of the compressor staging. It also means that the overall flow for the system is staged up and down resulting in energy savings.

Central Controller

Allows multiple chillers to operate as one entity Up to 12 modules

The central controller logic is set up to maintain the system control accuracy no matter how many modules/stages are added.